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“Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these” (Luke 18:16). 

Children Praying

God has promised to be present among us by means of His name and Word.   This is what Trinity’s worship services are all about, and they are for people of all ages! We believe having children in worship is one of the most important responsibilities of Christian parents.


We understand that this can be difficult at times, so please, hang in there.  Sometimes a child screams or has a hard time sitting still.  It’s OK!  Your children are welcome at Trinity!


We encourage you to:

  • Be enthusiastic about having your child at church and practice church ahead of time at home.

  • Consider sitting toward the front where it is easier for your little ones to engage. 

  • Quietly explain the parts of the service and actions of the pastors and musicians.

Encourage them to chime in on their parts:  Amen; Lord, have mercy; the Lord’s Prayer…all of that belongs to them, too.  

  • Be sure to sing, say, pray your parts, too. Your children learn by following your lead.

  • Enlist fellow church members to sit with your family.  Many older members of our congregation would be thrilled to hold your little ones and help them pay attention. 


We invite you to use the church bags, Bibles, and children's bulletins found at each entrance to the sanctuary. There may be times when you have to leave the service with your child for a little while.  At these times, you may use the Music Room, located next to the Narthex, or the Luther Room, located downstairs across from the restrooms. Both locations have the livestream of the service televised so you can continue to follow along. Changing tables are located in the music room restroom and the restrooms downstairs. Please ask an usher if you need assistance. 


Over time,by being in worship children learn:

  • This is the place we gather with others to worship God.

  • They belong to this special company of people.

  • The sights and sounds of this place are good and nurturing, even when they don’t understand them.

  • Something is expected of them in this place and they give their attention in song, prayer and offering.









For more information and resources, please check out the children’s section of our church library, located in the lower level lounge.  Our pastors, principal, kantor, and day school teachers are happy to explain parts of the worship service or give you ideas to help your children participate in worship.

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Trinity has a Sunday morning education hour each Sunday from 9:30 - 10:30.  Adults have Bible Study in the gym.  Children from preschool through 5th grade begin in the music room and then move to different stations throughout the Sunday School hour.  Middle school students, grades 6th-8th, meet in the 3rd grade classroom.  The preschool through 8th graders are currently using the Enduring Faith curriculum from Concordia Publishing House. 








This curriculum uses age appropriate activities and methods to teach God’s plan of salvation as it is found throughout the entire Bible–pointing students to Jesus, their Savior. High school students meet in the 7th grade classroom.  Childcare for those under 3 years old is provided in the Luther Room.  You are welcome to join any class at any time during the year.

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2 locations, 1 great school!

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Early Childhood Ministry Center
904 N 9th St
Sheboygan, WI 53081

Church, Elementary & Middle School
824 Wisconsin Ave
Sheboygan, WI 53081

Church: (920) 458-8246

School: (920) 458-8248

Childcare: (920) 458-8248
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